Thursday, August 2, 2012

20 Super Foods!


Clients often ask me which foods they should be eating more other words, what foods carry the most nutrients and are the most healthful for their bodies. Well, this chart of 20 Super Foods pretty much sums it up. And no matter what your goals are: to lose weight, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lose belly fat, or even gain weight, these foods should be part of your regimen. And don't forget how fantastic you will feel, not to mention how great you'll look. You want to live the good life? You gotta eat the good food, even if it's not your top choice. Hey, I'm not too jazzed over walnuts, squash, or mushrooms either, but I'm thinkin' I need to be rethinkin' my whole outlook on the foods I leave out. I could be missing out, dangit! And why would I want to miss out on a good thing? So... maybe we should give some of thee  healthy "snackies" another chance. What do you think? ( Soon, I will be adding recipes incorporating these super foods. Also if you have any tasty recipes, don't keep us in the share!)


  1. LOVE the blog, Melissa!!!

    Thanks for doing this!!

    1. I'm so glad Michelle that you like it! Miss you and your wonderful family:) Think of you often. Hope you continue to follow:)

  2. This is rad stuff! You have such an impressive profile! Nice work.


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