Tuesday, February 19, 2013

10 Things I Love About Flaxseed!!

Oh flaxseed how I love thee...let me count the ways!! In the spirit of the month of love, I thought it appropriate to gush about my newfound adoration: flaxseed! How romantic.Who knew? haha! OK, so maybe love is too strong a word. Even though flax seed has been labeled a "wonder food" or the most "powerful food on the planet," it still comes second,...or maybe third, from chocolate. Chocolate will always be my number 1.  Sorry flaxy. It is what it is...

Still, it's is pretty awesome being the "wonder food" and all. Here's the 10 things I LOVE about flaxseeds. Be prepared to drop your jaw in shock and awe my beautiful people!

1. We all have a past. So does flaxseed
Flaxseed was first grown and cultivated in Babylon around 3000 BC.  Around the 8th century, King Charlemagne required his subjects by law to consume it as he believed it had many health benefits. That's pretty interesting dontcha think?

2.  Flax fights the blues
It's a tough time of year, no doubt. Winter blues set in, emotions run high. I get that completely. And for me, eating healthy regularly makes me feel better, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Research has shown that those eating a diet of about 2 to 3 tablespoons of  flaxseed a day can reduce that "down in the dumps" feeling.  Further it contains DHA (docosahexanoic acid), which is a mood boosting ingredient also found to promote proper function in brain cells.

3. Fiber in flax
Flaxseed is a great source of fiber with 4 g in 2 tablespoons. It's a natural laxative. Keeps ya regular. 'nuff said! ha!

4. Flaxseeds and omega-3 fatty acids
So many benefits here with omega-3s, aka "good" fats. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s, which studies have shown can help prevent breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.

5. Antioxidant flax
Flaxseeds contains about 800 times more lignans than other plant food. Lignans contain plant estrogen and antioxidants. They protect against cancer by blocking enzyme involved in hormone metabolism. They inhibit growth and spread of tumor cells. 

6. Flax and a healthy heart
Because flaxseed is rich in omega-3s it helps prevent hardening of the arteries and inhibits plaque build up. Consuming flaxseed has been shown to reduce this atherosclerotic plaque buildup by 75 percent! 
7. Decrease insulin resistance.
If diabetes is in your family history, if you're struggling with your weight, if your blood glucose levels are too high, flaxseed can help! It protects against diabetes. 

8. Great source of magnesium.
Why do we need magnesium? Well, lots of things: helps relax nerves and muscles. I need that daily! Builds and strengthens bones. Helps in blood circulation. Helps you sleep and deal with stress.

9. It's cheap!!
Eating healthy these days isn't cheap! If you want to save money on food, processed is the way to go. For now. Then when the hospital bills rack up, you'll wish you had spent extra on the other stuff. The brand I buy, Bob's Red Mill, costs me about 3 bucks for 16 oz. And it lasts for at least a month when I eat it every day. 

10. You can put it on everthing
OK, everything edible that is. I sprinkle it over my yogurt, cereal, and salad. I hide it in my kids' pancakes, cornbread, sandwiches. (They haven't caught me yet!) I add it to my protein shakes, peanut butter toast, and bananas. Love it! 

   This is what I buy. After opening make sure you seal it and store it in your fridge.



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